HE INstitutions
Onyx Support offers non-DSA support to all educational institutions for individuals not eligible for DSA funding. Many HEIs have found it challenging to accommodate the support roles needed for lower band support following the Department for Education's (DfE) request that all HE institutions in England ensure the delivery of these types of support.
When considering Onyx Support as a provider for Bands 1 and 2 support at your organisation, you can be assured of competitive pricing to help reduce your annual spending in this area. We are able to take on a variety of small or complex cases when providing support. Following referrals of students, Onyx Support creates an support package tailored to the needs of the individual and their associated institution.
Why choose Onyx Support?
Experienced and skilled support staff
Regular CPD for all staff
Capacity to cover absences/sickness
Regular supervisions and reviews to recap current support
Our Capacity
Please click this link to see our capacity in your area.
For more information or to discuss having all or elements of your lower band support roles provided by Onyx Support, please email admin@onyxstudents.com or call 01604 713103.